Persephone's Memories haunted her. How had so much gone wrong so fast? Her thoughts drifted to her husband. He was off helping prepare Atlanka City to depart. Persephone knew she had to leave, but this place had been home for so long that she had forgotten about Mesira entirely. That thought disturbed her greatly; how could she have forgotten home so quickly? Then it occurred to her that it had not been quick at all. So much time had passed, and in the blink of an eye, she had lived longer than anyone thought possible and had been on an adventure so rewarding that her experiences forever changed her. Five hundred thousand years had passed, and as she gazed through the drapes at the rain hitting the window...she remembered...
Status: Conceptualization
Persephone's Memories is a planned successor to the Dawn of Man series. It tells the stories of the intervening time between the second and third book. Told from Persephone's perspective each short story will explore a specific event during that time. Memories of other main characters will be released as well over time.